
If you have a concern or need to file a complaint with Fintrexcap, please follow the outlined procedure below:

Complaint Handling Timeline
Within seven days, your complaint will be acknowledged and referred to an appropriate expert for resolution.
All complaints will undergo investigation, and we aim to provide you with a final response within 60 days of receiving your complaint.
If there is a delay in our response, our customer support team will keep you informed about the status of your complaint.
We are committed to sending all final responses within 180 days of receiving your complaint.
If we are unable to provide a response within this timeframe, we will send you an email with an explanation and an estimated response date.
Terms Interpretations
The following definitions apply to this policy, and these can be referred to for the meaning of any word or expression used in this policy that is not otherwise defined. In this document, “client” refers to the client as defined in the “client agreement” available online at

The specific meanings of each term used in the report are set forth below:

Complaint: A complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction by a client regarding the provision of an investment and/or ancillary services, and in all cases, a complaint is formally lodged through the “Complaint Handling Procedure” at

A valid complaint shall include the following:

First and Last name of the client
Affected transaction numbers, if applicable
Client’s trading account number
Date and time at which the issue started
A comprehensive description of the issue
Other valid information that can help resolve the issue
NB: Any complaints with unwarranted profanity directed at Fintrexcap or a Fintrexcap employee may be dismissed appropriately.
Procedure of Complaint
All complaints must be in writing and addressed to the official support team.
Should the Client remain dissatisfied with the resolution provided by the Customer Support Department, the Client may:
Ask for their complaint to be escalated to the Compliance Department.
Escalates the complaint directly to the Compliance Department.
In both cases, a dedicated Compliance Department will conduct an independent and impartial investigation.
The Compliance Department and the official Support Department will work together in providing proper assistance to the client.
The team takes a holistic approach to our client’s accounts by considering the trading systems at work as well as any indicators that may be in place. This process is to ensure that all claims are well established.
Both the official Support Department and the Compliance Department shall:
Respond to client inquiries within seven(7) working days.
Complaints will be resolved within a reasonable and practicable time.
The client shall be notified of the situation. Therefore, all communication about the complaint shall be kept confidential from the public.

NB: For questions about this Procedure, contact the official support Service Department.


A Query can be defined as a dissatisfaction report regarding your account or activity with Fintrexcap. It may be directed to the official Support Department via live chat, e-mail, and telephone.

Our Customer Support Department goes through your query in detail and decides whether it can be resolved immediately or will require further investigation.

If a query cannot be resolved immediately, we commit to resolving it promptly, usually within 2 business days.

You may contact the complaint department if you are unsatisfied with the response of the customer support department following the procedures as listed in the “complaint” section of the complaint handling procedure page.

Other Information

If a client is a legal entity, trust or otherwise, different provisions may apply under the provisions of the relevant law.
At all times, a client that has a complaint can use the unique Customer Satisfaction Number that will be provided in the acknowledgment and/or response email by Fintrexcap.